Awesome Angular
Awesome list of Angular seed repos, starters, boilerplates, examples, tutorials, components, modules, videos, and anything else in the Angular 2 ecosystem
Current Angular 2 version:
Table of contents:
Angular 2
- Angular 2 General Resources
- Angular 2 Community
- Angular 2 Server-Side Rendering
- Angular 2 Material Design
- Angular 2 Cheatsheet
- Angular 2 Tutorials
- Angular 2 Series
- Angular 2 Video Tutorials
- Angular 2 Books
- Angular 2 On-Site Training
- Angular 2 Approach and Explanation
- Angular 2 Integrations
- Angular 2 Components
- Angular 2 Generators
- Angular 2 TodoMVC
- Universal
- TypeScript
- Dart
- Babel
- ES5
- Haxe
- Scala
- Platforms
Angular 2
Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications.
Angular 2 General Resources
- Official Site
- Official Blog
- Official Documentation
- Official Getting Started Guide
- Official GitHub Repo
Angular 2 Community
channel on Freenode IRC Server -
hashtag on Twitter - Gitter Channel
- Angular 2 StackOverflow
- @AngularJS on Twitter
- /r/Angular2 Subreddit
- Angular Group on Facebook
- AngularJS on Google+
- AngularAir
- ng-newsletter
- tryangular2
- Built With Angular 2
#ng-2 Slack Channel
on AngularBuddies (Sign up)
Angular 2 Server-Side Rendering
Angular 2 Material Design
Angular 2 Cheatsheet
Angular 2 Tutorials
Angular 2 Series
- Ionic
- Angular 2
- Auth0
- thoughtram
- Angular 2 Template Syntax Demystified
Angular 2 Video Tutorials
Angular 2 Books
ng-book 2
Become a ninja with Angular 2
Ninja Squad
Angular 2 On-Site Training
Angular 2 Approach and Explanation
- thoughtram
- Developing a tabs component in Angular 2
- Developing a zippy component in Angular 2
- Resolving Service Dependencies in Angular 2
- Forward references in Angular 2
- Host and Visibility in Angular 2's Dependency Injection
- Dependency Injection in Angular 2
- Routing in Angular 2
- Angular 2 Template Syntax Demystified - Part 1
- View Encapsulation in Angular 2
- Styling Angular 2 components
- Even better ES5 code for Angular 2
- Writing Angular 2 code in ES5
- The difference between Annotations and Decorators
- Burak Tasci (fulls1z3)
Angular 2 Integrations
Angular 2 Components
- Axponents: of Accessible Web Components (Dylan Barrell)
- ng2-bootstrap: Native Angular2 bootstrap components
- ngx-meta/core: Dynamic page title & meta tags utility for Angular (w/server-side rendering) by@fulls1z3
- ngx-config/core: Configuration utility for Angular (incl. Angular Universal loader) by@fulls1z3
- ngx-cache/core: Cache utility for Angular (incl. browser & server platform implementations) by@fulls1z3
- ngx-i18n-router/core: Route internationalization utility for Angular by by@fulls1z3
- NG-SQ-UI - Simple Quality UI kit for Angular. Build by developers for developers!
Angular 2 Generators
- Node.js
- Dart
- Stagehand
Angular 2 TodoMVC
Universal Angular 2
Universal (isomorphic) javascript support for Angular 2
Universal General Resources
Universal Seed Projects
- fullstack-angular2-starter - Fullstack Angular 2 starter kit by @PatrickJS
- ng-seed/universal - Seed project for Angular Universal apps featuring Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Webpack, dev/prod modes, DLLs, AoT compilation, HMR, SCSS compilation, lazy loading, config, cache, i18n, SEO, and TSLint/codelyzer @fulls1z3
Angular 2 in TypeScript
TypeScript lets you write JavaScript the way you really want to. TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
TypeScript General Resources
- TypeScript Official Website for TypeScript
- REPL Official TypeScript REPL that runs entirely in your browser
- TypeScript Repository (GitHub) Official Github Repo for TypeScript
- TSD TypeScript Definition manager for DefinitelyTyped
- DefinitelyTyped Repository (GitHub) The repository for high quality TypeScript type definitions.
TypeScript Angular 2 Online Playground
TypeScript Seed Projects
- Angular Starter - An Angular 2 Webpack Starter kit featuring Angular 2 (Router, Http, Forms, Services, Tests, E2E), Karma, Protractor, Jasmine, TypeScript, and Webpack by @PatrickJS
- Angular 2 Seed Seed project for Angular 2 apps
- ng2-play.ts A minimal Angular2 playground using TypeScript
- Angular2Go Angular 2 Go !
- Angular 2 Samples Angular 2.0 sample components
- ng-seed/spa - Seed project for Angular apps featuring Webpack, dev/prod modes, DLLs, AoT compilation, HMR, SCSS compilation, lazy loading, config, cache, i18n, SEO, and TSLint/codelyzer @fulls1z3
Angular 2 in Dart
Dart is an open-source, scalable programming language, with robust libraries and runtimes, for building web, server, and mobile apps.
Dart General Resources
- Dart Official Website for Dart
- Dartpad Dartpad lets play with Dart on-line, in a zero-install, zero configuration environment.
- Dart Organization (GitHub) Official Github Organization for Dart
- Pub Repository of packages of software for the Dart programming language.
- Dartisans The Official Dart Google+ community
- Dart Slack Channel The Official Dart Slack channel.
Dart Angular 2 Online Playground
Dart Seed Projects
- Angular 2 Dart Quickstart A minimal quick start project.
Dart Demo, Samples, and Examples
- Angular 2 Samples Angular 2 for Dart demos and samples from the community.
- Pipes Examples of Pipes in Angular 2 for Dart.
- Hackernews App A HackerNews application made with Angular 2 for Dart
- Router Demo A basic example of Angular 2 router.
Angular 2 in Babel
The compiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
Babel General Resources
- Babel Official Website for Babel
- REPL Official Babel REPL that runs entirely in your browser
- Babel Repository (GitHub) Official Github Repo for Babel
Babel Angular 2 Online Playground
Babel Seed Projects
- babel-angular2-app A skeleton Angular 2 app built with babel.
Angular 2 in ES5
An ECMAScript language that includes structured, dynamic, functional, and prototype-based features.
ES5 Angular 2 Online Playground
ES5 Seed Projects
Angular 2 in Haxe
Haxe is an open source toolkit based on a modern, high level, strictly typed programming language.
Haxe Angular 2 Online Playground
Haxe Seed Projects
Angular 2 in Scala
General purpose language; multiparadigm (object-oriented, functional, concurrent elements); statically typed, type-safe; focus: Web services.
Scala Seed Projects
Ionic 2 General Resources
Angular 2 in NativeScript
Build truly native iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps with Javascript and CSS. Try NativeScript open-source framework for cross-platform development.
NativeScript General Resources
- NativeScript Official Website for NativeScript
NativeScript Seed Projects
Angular 2 in React Native
React Native enables you to build world-class application experiences on native platforms using a consistent developer experience based on JavaScript
React Native General Resources
- React Native Official Website for React Native